Bredonborough Onto the High Street
Onto the High Street for first-thing shopping, acquiring tasty fish for tomorrow’s lunch with Barbara, and onto the balcony at Blower’s I…
The Street I…
20.16 An afternoon of organising.
Three loads of launderising, packing for next week, putting out appropriate wear for Monday’s funeral, ordering books in the Cellar.
The Minx returned c. 19.00 from her gig at Henley to 30,000 people. WillyFred is now dealing with an outpouring of love from a returning Minx.
T told me of her conversation with Judy Publicist: Robert makes himself uncomfortable. Also what Mr. Alder, the SAG in EG, told her in her managed-by-EG years: Robert could be comfortable with a nice house. Cf also Billy B, Wonder Drummer: Robert doesn’t want to be famous. Clearly, Fripp is a perverse man, turning his back on what the world has to offer, and making things hard for himself. What an ungrateful wretch.
20.34 DGM Live factoid:
17 downloads have recouped;
we have 907 loyal customers.
E-flurrying at an end. To gentle with the Minx. Yippee!